Data Science Capstone – Healthcare Project


The Data Science Capstone – Healthcare Dashboard, developed using Tableau, aims to provide a comprehensive analysis of healthcare data, focusing on key metrics such as diabetes prevalence, body mass index (BMI), blood pressure, and other health indicators. This interactive dashboard facilitates data-driven decision-making for healthcare professionals, researchers, and policymakers.

Key Features and Insights

  1. Diabetes Prevalence Analysis
  • Diabetes vs. Non-Diabetes Population: The dashboard includes a pie chart that illustrates the proportion of individuals with and without diabetes, offering a clear visual representation of diabetes prevalence within the dataset.
  1. BMI Distribution Across Age Groups
  • BMI Analysis: A bar chart showcases the distribution of BMI across different age groups, highlighting trends and potential risk factors associated with age and body weight.
  1. Blood Pressure Reports
  • Blood Pressure Insights: Detailed reports on blood pressure readings are provided, enabling users to identify patterns and correlations between blood pressure levels and other health metrics.
  1. Heat Map of Health Variables
  • Comprehensive Heat Map: The dashboard features a heat map that displays various health variables, such as glucose levels, insulin levels, and skin thickness, across different age groups. This visualization helps in identifying significant patterns and anomalies.
  1. Scatter Plots for Correlation Analysis
  • Health Metric Relationships: Scatter plots are utilized to explore relationships between different health metrics, such as pregnancies vs. blood pressure and glucose vs. insulin levels, providing insights into potential correlations.

Technology Used

  • Tableau: The dashboard is built using Tableau, leveraging its robust data visualization capabilities to create interactive and user-friendly interfaces.

Impact and Applications

  • Healthcare Decision-Making: By providing a detailed analysis of critical health metrics, the dashboard aids healthcare professionals in making informed decisions regarding patient care and treatment strategies.
  • Research and Policy Development: Researchers and policymakers can utilize the insights from the dashboard to develop targeted interventions and policies aimed at addressing prevalent health issues.

Next Steps

  • Predictive Analytics: Integrate predictive modeling to forecast trends in health metrics and disease prevalence.
  • Expanded Data Integration: Incorporate additional datasets to enrich the analysis and provide a more comprehensive view of healthcare trends.
  • User Training: Conduct training sessions for stakeholders to effectively utilize the dashboard’s features and interpret the visualizations.